
What is L2Savings?

L2Savings calculates your savings by analyzing each of your L2 transactions to determine the gas and fees used. Then, L2Savings converts the L2 gas into L1 gas equivalents and multiplies this by the L1 gas price at the time of the transaction. This method estimates the L1 fees you would have incurred if you had submitted the same transaction with the same calldata on the Ethereum Mainnet at that time.

So, your savings are the difference between these estimated L1 fees and the actual L2 fees you paid!

L2Savings does not include failed transactions, transactions you sent to your own address, or L2-specific activities like bridge deposits and cryptographic updates in the calculations.

How Accurate is L2Savings?

Simply put, it depends on the chain.


Savings are highly accurate since each unit of L2 gas is equivalent to Ethereum's, thanks to Optimism's EVM equivalence. The eth_getTransactionReceipt call on Optimism also returns the L1 gas price during the time of the transaction, which makes savings even more easier and accurate to calculate!


After the migration to Nitro, Arbitrum replaced "arbgas" with the standard L1-equivalent unit of gas that we're all used to. So, L2Gas is a combination of L1 Calldata Gas + L2 Gas (which is equal to L1 computation costs). Since eth_getTransactionReceipt includes the L1 block number, we can use this to query eth_feeHistory to get the median of the L1 average gas price during the time of the transaction. So, Nitro upgrade actually made transactions cheaper and easier to calculate savings! For this reason, L2Savings only supports transactions after Arbitrum Nitro.

ZkSync Lite

ZkSync Lite uses zero-knowledge proofs to validate state correctness, so it's not EVM comptatible (unlike ZkSync ERA) and does not support every EVM instruction. There are a few transaction types, such as swap, mintnft, transfer, etc, that have custom functionalities. L2Savings accounts for 21,000 L1 gas for transfers, 50,000 for ERC20 transfers, 105,000 for swaps, and 210,000 for NFT mints. The algorithm for ZkSync Lite is relatively complex, see the diagram for more details.


Similar to Optimism, savings are relatively accurate since each unit of L2 gas is equivalent to Ethereum's, thanks to EVM equivalence. However, eth_getTransactionReceipt calls do not return the L1 block number and we have to calculate the average daily gas price during the date of the transaction to estimate the L1 fees.


Base is a rollup based on Optimism's OP stack, so it's EVM equivalent and the L1 fee during the time of the transaction is available in the response of the eth_getTransactionReceipt call. This means calculations are performed in the same way as Optimism, so savings are highly accurate!